bebek rewel

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, Duck is from Earth

:-) – The Digital Smiley Turns 25

Bagi setiap orang yang pernah chatting, posting ataupun berkirim email, rasanya tidak mungkin untuk tidak kenal lambang senyum yang satu ini.

Pernahkah anda berpikir darimana datangnya dan sejak kapan lambang tersebut digunakan?

Ternyata pada tanggal 19 September 2007, senyum tersebut sudah melanglang buana di dunia maya selama seperempat abad!!

Artikel dapat diakses di alamat:§id=7&contentid=2007091920070919024913843423b2a69

Pittsburgh: We have all seen it at some point in our lives: A colon followed by a hyphen and a parenthesis – :-). It has been twenty-five years since US-based professor Scott Fahlman of Carnegie Mellon University first used the three keystrokes as a “horizontal smiley face” in a computer message.

To mark the anniversary, Fahlman and his colleagues are starting an annual student contest for innovation in technology-assisted, person-to-person communication, dubbed ‘The Smiley Award’.

Language experts say the smiley face and other emotional icons, known as emoticons, have given people a concise way in email and other electronic messages of expressing sentiments.

Fahlman first posted the emoticon in a message to an online electronic bulletin board on Sept 19, 1982, while discussing the limits of online humour and how to denote comments meant to be taken lightly.

“I propose the following character sequence for joke markers: :-),” wrote Fahlman. “Read it sideways.”

Fahlman’s smileys spread from the campus to other universities, then businesses and eventually around the world as the Internet gained popularity.

Today, instant messaging programs often contain an array of emoticons to express a range of emotions.

Amy Weinberg, a University of Maryland linguist and computer scientist, said emoticons such as the smiley were “definitely creeping into the way, both in business and academia, people communicate.”

“It has been fascinating to watch this phenomenon grow from a little message I tossed off in 10 minutes to something that has spread all around the world,” Fahlman said.

 Untuk melihat seperti apa pesan asli yang menjadi moment kelahiran lambang senyum ini, silahkan dilihat di:

Untuk melihat komentar dari Fahlman sendiri mengenai senyuman maut ciptaannya, silahkan dilihat di:


  1. Comment by alien on September 21, 2007 12:50 pm

    hahahahaa loe sih bek beneran bujuguneng..ampe brita ginian bisa tau lol =D sanguat membantu buat menambah wawasan manusia2 spt gua haaa

    Oh alienku… Sejak kapan dikau berubah jadi manusia? :p


  2. Comment by manusiamantabhseduniaa on September 21, 2007 5:59 pm

    bek,, kalo ada artikel d bikin ke bahasa indo duunn

    abis jadi rada lama kalo baca dari bahasa inggriss


    Hehe. Sorry kadang daku soale males banget 😛
    Sebagian lainnya daku gak terjemahkan karena takut terjemahan daku kurang tepat, lagian ini rubrik “kopas” gituloh. (kopas= copy paste)

    Sekarang daku lagi sibuk banget, jadi gak bisa nulis artikel sendiri (Perhatiin aja, beberapa postingan terakhir, semuanya kopassssss)

    Tar kapan-kapan ya. Kalo daku sempet dan ada artikel bagus 🙂


  3. Comment by alien on October 4, 2007 10:33 am

    heuh heuh iya yah namanya ajah alien *plak ke bebek*
    eh gua baru tau loh kopas itu copy paste HUAHAHAHAHAHA gua pikir tuh semacem koran kompas tapi supaya beda gitu loe jadiin kopas..ato klo gak dari “kupas” kupas2 sesuatu jadi kopas..haaaa

  4. Comment by RuTh on September 24, 2009 2:57 pm


    pk bghs.ingg…


    ngartiin sndiri gapapa kuq…

    yg pnting nyangkut2 ndikit d aq gt…

    bru gnti sotak baru kok..

    jd msh FRESH, byar ngrti…


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